How to start losing weight?

Weight loss will be followed by diet and exercise

There are hundreds of types of diets and ways to lose weight in the world. But regardless of the choice of variation, the most difficult and responsible phase will be the initial one. The beginning of weight loss is the most important phase that sets the tone for the further process. You need to start your diet as carefully and thoughtfully as possible, especially if you are going to lose weight at home without the help of experts. Everything should be planned and taken into account: diet, drinking regime, physical activity. In this article we will show you where to start losing weight at home to get a guaranteed effect without harm to health and psycho-emotional state.

Step by step instructions

The first thing that starts any weight loss is motivation and competent goal setting.These should be specific figures in kilograms or centimeters, and not "slightly remove the belly" or "look normal in jeans". Vague formulations adapt very quickly to the desired result when you run out of strength and patience. If there is no specific problem, after a few days you will look in the mirror and conclude that "it's okay as it is".

Before you start losing weight, inform your family about your decision. Everyone who lives in the same apartment with you should be aware of your support and support it. If you have not received approval, try to share your wishes and plans with your family so that they understand how important it is to you.

The support of your loved ones at home is the most important factor for starting to lose weight.

And be sure to keep a diary in which you will describe your feelings and achievements. The first page should contain all the parameters measured in the morning on an empty stomach: weight, chest-waist-hips. Calculate your body mass index. For clarity, take photos in underwear or in some type of clothing that is still very tight.

Creating a diet plan

There is no need to be afraid of these words. Diet is not necessarily Thumb (one and a half cereals a day). This is a well-designed and calculated system of a balanced diet that allows you to stay in good shape, but at the same time not gain extra pounds, but also lose extra pounds.

You have two options - choose a ready-made and proven diet or make your own diet plan, excluding intentionally harmful foods from your diet.

This includes:

  • fat;
  • smoked;
  • very salty;
  • acidic;
  • butter;
  • baking;
  • sweet.

Of course, there is no need to rush to the extreme and completely give up, for example, sugar. It is enough to consume it within reasonable limits, but once again, do not allow yourself a piece of cake or a roll. And add sweeteners to the tea.

If you are not new to losing weight, then based on experience you will probably be able to make your own diet plan. If you are going on a diet for the first time, it is better to choose a ready-made option.

Make a chart in your diet diary to write down everything you eat. This will help you monitor changes in your diet and analyze which foods have the best impact on your results.

Here is an example of such a table (fill it in yourself):

Meal time Weight before meals, kg Products Calories The amount of water you drank up to that time Physical activity Emotional state
Second breakfast (snack)
Afternoon snack
Bedtime snacks (2 hours in advance)
Total for the day

Fasting days

Regardless of the type of diet you choose, be sure to arrange fasting days for yourself. And don’t put them off for later. The sooner you start following this rule, the easier it will be to lose weight in the future. Include the first day of fasting in the first week of weight loss.

Fasting day is not absolute starvation, but only limiting the energy value of the diet to 1000 calories. . . But it is better to start gradually. Let your first day of fasting allow 2000 calories, the next 1500, and only then 1000. Yes, you will need to measure the portion size with a scale and use a calculator. I must say that over time, this activity is delayed, there is excitement and interest in counting calories.

Tip!In order for fasting days not to affect the emotional state too much, it is better to organize them after the holidays, when a feast with plenty of food is planned.

The essence of the day of fasting is that the body, in the absence of nutrition from the outside, breaks down the available fats in order to renew the energy reserves.

Drinking regime

This is a separate issue for each diet. Whichever meal plan you choose, you need to follow a proper drinking regimen.The minimum amount of water to drink per day is 1. 5 liters. . . This indicator is known to everyone who cares about their health. The popular singer advertises that it is necessary to drink 3 bottles of half a liter of mineral water every day.

The question is what kind of liquid it should be and when it is right to drink. Some drink bottled water, some - tap or boiled. All these options are valid. The main thing is that it was pure water: tea, fruit drinks, juices are not included in these 1. 5 liters. Drink water before meals and between meals. You don’t have to do this right after breakfast or lunch. It is better to wait half an hour and then pour a glass of fresh water.

We are charged with motivation

Motivation is the main driving force to start losing weight. It goes without saying that there is a purpose and family approval. But you need other incentives to help you not pull at the beginning of the journey, and it will also support you during your weight loss. We offer several reasons among which every woman can definitely choose motivation for herself.

If I'm slim, then:

  • get rid of health problems;
  • I can wear nice clothes;
  • stop being shy on the beach;
  • I will be more relaxed in bed;
  • I will gain confidence in myself;
  • I will be proud of myself, because I will achieve the goal.

Repeat the chosen reasons every day as a mantra. Some can even be written in prominent places, especially in the kitchen.

Motivation should never sound humiliating. You can't say "I'm fat". You have to motivate yourself - "I will lose weight. " When there is a goal even in one phrase, it is easier to strive for it.

Visualization is a great way to motivate. Find pictures of yourself slim (young or prenatal). Remember how easy and wonderful it was for you. Hang them and be inspired every day. If you’ve always been plump, order high-quality Photoshop to visualize how you’ll look without being overweight.

However, you cannot start losing weight with shock psychological therapy. If you weigh 120 kg, you don't want to see your photo with 42 sizes of clothes. Psychologically obese people perceive skinny people as not very healthy. In addition, it can become a kind of barrier: losing more than half of your body weight seems unrealistic - you shouldn't even start.

With what loads to start weight loss?

You can't do without sports, because weight loss is a complex process. Physical activity should be introduced gradually. First of all, we recommend that you get a special training diary. Start your workouts with cardio exercises that aim to burn fat. These are low-intensity loads, during which muscle glycogen (fat layers) is broken down into lactic acid. Oxygen accelerates this process, which is why the essence of aerobic training is full and proper breathing during exercise.

The simplest form of aerobic training is running.On the first day, run your child short.. . . Just 10 minutes at a slow pace is enough to start the process of burning fat. If you are not moving with a lot of weight, and you have the strength for physical education, do additional general warm-ups with stretching, jumping, push-ups and other typical loads.

Gradually increase your aerobic training time. Your program maximum: 30 minutes a day. If this is done regularly, the body will be involved in the process, and fat burning will be more active.

Running in the park for active fat burning

Other types of training:

  • swimming;
  • rollerblading, scooter, cycling;
  • walk 8-10 thousand steps a day;
  • dancing.

It doesn't hurt to buy a heart rate monitor with a built-in pedometer. For those who decide to start losing weight, it is important to see concrete figures of their achievements. We recommend that you enter them in your diary. When at least a month has passed and you are getting involved in weight loss, you can add strength training (barbell, for example). Once you have pumped up the muscles of the press, hips and chest, you will not only be slim, but also fit.

Tip!For starters, it is better to lose weight in the CrossFit gym. Collective activity is a kind of motivation. And paid subscription too. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid training.

There is no excuse

Losing weight is hard: a person is built to find a bunch of reasons not to do it.

Let's analyze the most common excuses:

  1. I have no time. . . Calculating calories is a matter of a few minutes, and cooking healthy food sometimes takes much less time than a hearty high-calorie dinner. If you want to save free time, practice while watching your favorite show or TV show.
  2. I'm going to die without candy! ! At first it really seems like you can go crazy without chocolate or rolls. However, if you count calories correctly, you will probably be able to add your favorite sweets to your diet.
  3. I already tried, but it didn't work. . . So you did something wrong. This time change tactics, find other approaches.
  4. I have no money for this. . . In fact, you can even lose weight in favor of your wallet. Save on groceries, and instead of going to the gym, go to the sports field near the house.
  5. I don't know how to lose weight. . . There are gigabytes of weight loss information on the Internet - thousands of exercise videos and tons of diet examples. You have even learned the basics from our article.

If you didn't know where to start losing weight, we hope our system has helped you step by step.

Five steps to a slim figure:

  1. Set yourself a goal.
  2. Seek the support of family members.
  3. Make a meal plan and keep a diary.
  4. Set aside 10-15 minutes a day for aerobic exercise.
  5. Motivate yourself regularly and avoid excuses.

In weight loss, it is important to start properly: when you get involved, the process will go faster and more fun!